Logo for new ADHD Center in Odense, Denmark


Concept, development and design of logo for a new ADHD center in Odense, Denmark.

This is a logo I designed for a new ADHD Center in Odense, Denmark. The ADHD center specializes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and young people.

The ADHD center is a resource and study center that connects professionals from several disciplines involved in the diagnosis, treatment, education and care. Findings and knowledge are shared among educators, clinicians, social workers, pediatricians, psychiatrists and scientists. The center does not see patients.

For example, a child’s pediatrician may be picking up on something that makes her consider whether or not the child is affected with ADHD. The pediatrician can call the ADHD resource and study center and discuss the case. The center’s resources – in tandem with the pediatrician’s observations – provide the child a better ADHD Center Odensechance for early and correct diagnosis, as well as reduce the number of misdiagnoses or late interventions. In Holland, a similar center has shown the benefits of this approach.

I wanted to create a logo that conveys hope and inclusion, as I imagined that a parent would see the logo on a pen in their physician’s front pocket.

The unknown territory parents must find themselves in while their child needs help struck me as particularly poignant.

ADHD center logo - both color versions

The treetop symbolizes the child’s brain, a jumble of neurons, some are a bit atypical or wild, some are not quite reaching each other. However, with good support and help to develop the right tools, these neurons have learned to come together beautifully and form a special and beautiful tree as it grows. The trunk and roots symbolizes the ADHD center which provides support and nourishment, with roots in several professions.